Thermalinx Training Programs
Start learning today, and become an expert in Thermography Analysis.
Whether you are a Doctor, Dentist, Naturopath, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, or Dental Hygienist, we have a training path for you. Choose the option best suited to your style of learning.
You must own a Thermalinx license to purchase any of our training programs.
Instructor-Led Classes
Get hands-on training to operate Thermalinx software, as well as tips on how to incorporate technology into real practice scenarios. This class introduces you to the variety of tools and workflows available in Thermalinx. In addition to learning the fundamentals of thermography and analysis in practice, you will explore an array of practical applications of this all-new technology.

Thermalinx Online Academy
Want to learn at your own pace, on your own time? Our online academy is built just for you. Gain your Dental-Medical Thermography Certification or expand your knowledge with a library of tutorial videos covering beginner to advanced analysis.​ An active Membership provides you with full access to the Online Academy.​
One-on-One Sessions
Thermalinx training instructors offer one-on-one training if you want to customize your training plan. Select a topic, tool, or patient case you would like to learn more about, and a Thermalinx instructor will schedule a virtual training session or prepare a recorded video based on your request. Sold in one-hour increments, this option maximizes your training time and expense.